Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is a non-fiction Southern Gothic novel by John Berendt. The book, Berendt’s first, was published in 1994 and follows the story of [ … ]
Killer Joe (2011) – Southern Gothic Black Comedy
Killer Joe is a 2011 American Southern Gothic black comedy crime film directed by William Friedkin. The screenplay by Tracy Letts is based on his 1993 play of the same [ … ]
True Detective (2014) – Southern Gothic Themes
True Detective became a huge hit with audiences and critics upon its release in 2014. All the Southern Gothic themes are on display here: ritual murder, the pervasive influence of [ … ]
Little Sister Death (2015) – Curse of the Bell Witch
A stirring literary rendition of Tennessee’s famed Curse of the Bell Witch, Little Sister Death skillfully toes the line between Southern Gothic and horror, and further cements William Gay’s legacy as not [ … ]
Dark Religious Film “The Seventh Commandment”
In the dark religious film The Seventh Commandment Ted Mathews (Jonathan Kidd) has just graduated from business college and he sets off with his girlfriend Terry (Lyn Statten) to celebrate. [ … ]
Murderfolk Performer Amigo the Devil Covers “Before He Cheats”
Rolling Stone Country launched the new video “Before He Cheats” by murderfolk performer Amigo the Devil: The first time Danny Kiranos heard Carrie Underwood’s 2005 hit “Before He Cheats,” he knew [ … ]
Southern Gothic Folklorist Kathryn Tucker Windham
Margaret Eby wrote this fantastic piece on southern gothic folklorist Kathryn Tucker Windham a while back for the Paris Review, we thought our readers would enjoy it: To grow up [ … ]
Southern Gothic Music Tours Rescheduled to 2021
At SouthernGothicBible.com, GothicAmericana.com and GothicWestern.com we’ve been trying to keep up with the cancellations, postponements and rescheduling of several Southern Gothic music tours, but as everyone knows it’s been difficult [ … ]
Three Gritty Southern Gothic films From James Franco and Tom Franklin
James Franco is developing three gritty Southern Gothic films based on novels by crime fiction writer Tom Franklin — “Smonk,” “Poachers,” and “Hell at the Breech,” Variety announced. Franco and [ … ]
Henry Derek Elis – Dreary Folk Covers
Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter Henry Derek Elis will self-release the follow-up to his debut full-length album The Devil Is My Friend (2018)–which Rolling Stone lauded as “a Southern Gothic standout”—with a [ … ]